
import base.*;
import flare.basic.*;
import flare.core.*;
import flare.system.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;

[SWF(frameRate = 60, width = 800, height = 450, backgroundColor = 0x000000)]

* The basics, easy!.
* @author amyflash.com
public class Test01_The_Basics1 extends Base
private var scene:Scene3D;
private var car:Pivot3D;
private var axis:Pivot3D;

public function Test01_The_Basics1()
super( "Basics 1 – Drag to look around." );

// creates a new 3d scene.
scene = new Viewer3D( this );

// add global scene progress and complete events.
scene.addEventListener( Scene3D.PROGRESS_EVENT, progressEvent );
scene.addEventListener( Scene3D.COMPLETE_EVENT, completeEvent );

// loads the objects.
car = scene.addChildFromFile( "../resources/car.f3d" );
axis = scene.addChildFromFile( "../resources/axis.f3d" );

private function progressEvent(e:Event):void
// gets the global loading progress.
trace( "progress", scene.loadProgress );

private function completeEvent(e:Event):void
trace( "complete!" );

// just scale the model.
//axis.setScale( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 );